

Homeschool in its basics means a parent teaching their child at home. But homeschooling is not just school at home. Homeschooling has many different formats and can be as varied as their are children to teach.

Homeschooling holds many benefits. Often, children are better educated than in schools, because the curriculum can be tailored to their capabilities and personality. Additionally, homechooled students often develop more broadly as they have the opportunity to explore other interests and hobbies. Parents enjoy homeschooling as they are able to see theri child grow and develop up close and are involved in their learning process.

We offer several options for homeschooling parents. We offer a homeschool curriculum that parents can do at home with their childern at their own pace. For parents that wish a bit more support and follow up, we offer homeschooling with support, and for parents that wish their children to do online school, please visit out Online Academy page.

Homeschool Curriculum Package

We offer a homeschool curriculum for purchase, that engages students with hands-on activities and integrates Islamic concepts and knowledge within the regular subjects.

See Our Programs

Homeschool Support Package

Our Homeschool Supprot Package includes the curriculum as well as regular follow ups by a dedicated teacher to assure your child stays on track and provide feedback on their learning experience.

See Our Packages

Online Academy

Our online academy offers our unique curriculum taught online with our professional and dedicated team of teachers. Your child will learn online with Live classes and assignments, while preserving our unique approach to learning.

Go to our Online Academy