Lote Tree Learning Center

Our Center

Lote Tree Learning Center is an educational alternative to regular schooling, where students learn to study more independent and are engaged. It is a hybrid between homeschooling and regular schools, combining the advantages of both into one comprehensive approach. Classrooms mirrors the ‘shared work spaces’, where students work independently on individual tasks and collaboratively on group tasks.

Our Approach

At Lote Tree Learning Center, we teach students from first grade to twelfth grade (high school). Our classes are vertical classes, which means several grade levels may be grouped together for the benefit of learning from peers and fostering responsibility.

We combine the benefits of homeschooling with the advantages of schools into a unique approach.

Our unique approach to learning is summed up in the acronym IDEALS which covers several methodologies and skills we believe should be covered in all educational programs whether for primary students or adults. IDEALS stands for Inquiry Based Learning, Differentiated Learning, Experiential learning, Aptitude Training, Lens of Islam, and Social-Emotional Learning.

Our Curriculum

We teach all of the core curriculum subjects and then some more. We have Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Arabic, Islamic Studies and Character Education. Each subject will be taught in blocks of 2.5 o 3 hours, twice or thrice weekly. Our curriculum is based upon the American education and are all of our subjects are aligned to the Common Core Standards of the USA.

Students in fifth grade and up learn to schedule their own tasks for the week. They choose 2 out of the 4 enrichment topics for hands-on exprience: Poetry for Language Arts, Projects & Mind Mapping for Social Studies, Applied Mathematics or Science Experiments.

Our school week is 4 days a week, with the fifth reserved for Broaden Your Horizon (BYH) Activities, which include workshops, trips and theme days. Here are some examples:

Trips to a farm, museum, historical site, nature walk or stargazing.

Workshops about Cooking & Nutrition, Recycling, Arts & Crafts or Book Binding.

Theme days on Design Thinking, Team Building, Leadership and Anti-Bullying.

Students do not have homework, unless necessary for catching up or extra support. Assessment of students is done through grading from upper elementary grades on, with the emphasis on rubric evaluation. All tests are age appropriate.

Our Teachers

All of our teachers are qualified and devoted in their task of guiding and educating the students and are social-emotionally competent. They are expensively trained in our curriculum, approach and methodology,a s well as in positive redirection, student engagement and experiential learning.

We also provide continuous professional development for all of our teachers, such as ABA Training, Positive Discipline Training and SEL Training.

Teacher-Parent Communication

We value the relationship with the parents of our students. We keep parent updated on their child' s progress and are always available to discuss any issues or suggestions parents may have. We communicate through dedicated Whatsapp Groups, Teacher-Parent Conferences and Scheduled meetings. We also offer parents workshops on parenting, SEL training and much more.